Heat waves put Asia's renewable power fleet to the test 您所在的位置:网站首页 asia-pacific region Heat waves put Asia's renewable power fleet to the test

Heat waves put Asia's renewable power fleet to the test

2023-06-27 15:27| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

SINGAPORE – Record heat across Asia is putting its surging renewable power fleet to the test, highlighting the need for backup supply, transmission system upgrades and tariff reforms to ensure reliability and stave off a slowdown in green energy adoption.

Temperatures in parts of the region rose above 40 degrees Celsius in late April, earlier than usual, causing widespread infrastructure damage and power outages.

In China, where renewables account for more than half of the power mix, authorities kept backup coal and gas-fired plants on standby to meet demand and sudden spikes in consumption from the early heat, consultancy Rystad said.

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